After several trips to various Target stores in the area, it became clear to me that this was no way to secure my Douchebag Ken. Carmen has spent enough time alone. So I decided to order him online. They were on sale at Target (but not for $17 so I hated spending the extra money at He arrived today and I opened the package only to be disappointed. He looked crazy. But that's okay. Buy Barbies often enough and you know you have to do at least SOME work to make them usable. I was ready to get started. So begins the grievances: He doesn't have a typical Ken head. By which I mean his neck hole is a "female", like typical action figure guys, not a "male" like most Ken dolls. So that Fashionista body I've been holding onto? Useless. (I'm sure there's some adapter type thing you clever doll folk know about but still, it's the principle!) So first, I comb him out: I dunked and dumped boiling-ish water, ...
The Care and Feeding of Plastic People