There was a time I could put my doll habit aside for months. When not every single moment of my life was spent obsessing over the next story or project. This was before blogging. Now for every project, I pause and take a picture, I craft blog entries in my head and I can't wait to share XY or Z with you guys. The minute the project is done, I think of the next. The audience adds a level of responsibility, accountability...and (self imposed) pressure. Sometimes I don't feel able to enjoy to my dolls because I know I'll have to report on what I'm doing. For this and other reasons, I have come to a decision. So my dear friends, I take my leave of you. The blog will remain open, the website is still there and I'm still on Facebook and Tumblr (barely). Time to dedicate myself to some crafty kid related things. Maybe even a kid craft blog so I can still get my writing in. Maybe I'll go to college. Help my dad garden in his golden years. Spend some money on m...
The Care and Feeding of Plastic People