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Favorite Things

Oprah has a favorite things episode, right? Well I'm going to do a Favorite Things Blog Post. I don't have the riches like Oprah, so ya'll won't be getting anything. Sorry! Well at least I like cheap stuff.

This month, it's thin flimsy wooden stirrers from Starbucks or your favorite local coffee chain. The ones with square ends, not rounded. The rounded ones are actually of better quality but they involve more cutting. I have loads of those too, but I haven't used them yet.

They have come in very handy for someone like me who probably won't be working with wood and saws until we own a house (and I have a workshop) or the kids get older.

Also, I'm not so good with making straight cuts out of any material. Thanks to these stirrers I was able to make Josephine's paneling as well as the wainscoting.

Also I'm going to use them to frame windows because my cuts were just sad looking. I even have the foam core with grid lines!

Maybe in the future I'll make picture frames for them because I have a lot of art but using foam core as backing looks worse now that I'm getting into more realistic furnishings. But you could do loads of things with them. You don't need nails, you can cut them with scissors and if you drink as much Starbucks as I do, they are free of cost!

I'm thinking of making hardwood floors with them but they tend to warp fairly easily. But that's okay. They're so flexible, you can just glue them down really well.

I guess I could use them to make windows too. And like a cheap bench? A swing? I dunno, but there are a zillion possibilities!




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