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Sugar On Top

Let's talk about Sugar.

She's Byron Lars Sugar Barbie. What a beauty. I got her in 2005 I think and I loved her. This was the first time I had seen "natural" hair on a Barbie and on a light skinned doll at that!

She was best friends with Aoki who we will discuss in a moment.

I loved Sugar. Her heinous flocked gloves were awful. As soon as I learned to rebody, I gave her the bod of that preggo Barbie.

She married Chad the trumpet player (some kind of old Integrity doll with a Drag Queen "Ken" body). They even had a kid, but that made her so boring, I had to go back in time and undo it.

She had become something of a B-lister in my doll world.  Chad had joined a new band, had a group of new hipster friends and Sugar became a character you never see anymore.

That "natural" hair had become a frizzy mess. I had no idea how to take care of it. So I had the STUPID idea to dump a little boiling water on it to "relax" it. Stupid! She just had frizzy waves. No awesome afro!

I gave her a Fashionista body and she instantly became more interesting. But she was still just too "classy" for my doll town. She had no story, no drama.

Meanwhile I bought an SIS Barbie who reminded me of Sugar. I think she's the Trichelle. She had natural hair, is a hipster and plays keytar in Chad's band The Vinyls.  But she's got that annoying SIS body. So I contemplated making her the new Sugar.
Despite being the same mold, Sugar is much prettier. Sorry Trichelle. And the skin tone is all wrong for Sug's new Fashionista body.  I had to make this Sugar work. With or without Chad.

Introducing the new Sugar:

This is after several boiling water "relaxers" and taking some chances with the hair cutting techniques I've been studying. Not too shabby. I'm pretty sure she'll be dumping Chad.


Now, moving on. As you may recall I wanted to give someone a chic bob. Aoki (Rare Creature Veronique) was the best candidate. Already thin hair, already a long bang in place. So here she is before, eyeballing Hunter's bankroll:

And after:

Hmm, some hair in that bang's a bit wispy. She might need another boiling water shower!

Okay that's all I have to report today. I also cut Hana (Electropop Jasper)'s bangs but I'm not sure how I feel about them.

So my assignment was to style 3 dolls and I've done it! But I still haven't done the more extreme layering I want to do, so that's next!



  1. Love what you did with Aoki's hair. I just recently rebodied my Sugar onto a Fashionista body. She was on the Fashion Fever bod w/articulated arms. Not gonna say I love her hair she still looks good but then she's your doll :O) She and Trichelle use the Mbili face

  2. Thanks. Now is this a personal preference thing, not liking Sugar's hair? Or do I need to practice my hair cuts more? You followers are the Thesis Committee Members of Dolly U!

  3. No it's not a preference thing believe me. Practice makes perfect maybe a few more cuts on the right..but then I'm no expert. I have cut a doll or 2's hair. I am more happy than upset with the outcome. When I cut too much they become a wig doll or get to go..LOL. Maybe it'll look better when it dries..I hope it's wet (ducking)

  4. Thanks for your input. I'll even her out. *throwing a punch* hee hee.

  5. I am SOOO late on this post but sometimes when I get a moment, I go back in time so I can catch up. Just wanted to say that I love the new cuts you've given your girls, Sugar and Aoki. I think they both look very chic yet funky at the same time.

    Great job!

  6. Thanks honey! I miss her hair. But Sugar is getting mohair soon. Then she will be my hippie chick. Finally a use for those crazy Barbie bellbottoms!


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