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Took the Plunge

I finally did it. I bought my domain. What the heck took me so long? Anywho, go check me out when you get a chance:


  1. Good for you, I totally need to do this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's awesome Dani! I really love your doll apartments. I'm taking a break for a while but hopefully in my spare time, I will be able to hook up my expedits to fit more of my dolls. :)

    Vitaplastica looks really cool.

    Oh hey, when you get a chance...check out this customized Johnny Depp:

  4. Congrats! Was it hard or expensive to do? What are the benefits to it over just a blog?

  5. Super cheap Ms. Leo! I had already built the site for free at, then I paid $25 for the domain for two years using I really recommend them. I bought my husband's domain there too and the customer service is great! The benefits are permanence. For instance, if you wanted to know what I was talking about with Dolly University, or get a link to my photostories, you'd have to dig a bit. But it's right there on the web site for as long as I want. And my dolls have a home. Soon I can put all their faces on there instead of here when I talk about them one by one. Also, this place is to discuss my upcoming projects where the blog would be the place to display the finished project. And it's a good feeling to own your own corner of the internet!

  6. I went and made a site for myself too; I will buy later on but right now I just fixing it up!


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