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New Goodies!

But first, some news:


Still working on the studio space for Remi and Bailey. The Hubs came in and voiced what was in my head, "So where is that kid supposed to sleep? That's messed up. There's no room for him?"  The last thing I wanted in Grandville is a kid's room. I don't want this rated R world changing into something wholesome. Buuut, if there is to be a custody battle for Julian, I have to make the case, right? So on top of the studio space, I'll build a little room for the brat to use. Maybe I'll give it a fun theme or something. Space or sci-fi or something that doesn't involve sports.

I'm also working on a space backdrop for Nymeria and her sister. Then I can finally introduce you. I decided to go with a sort of cheesy 60's sci fi movie thing. That's what inspired the Alurium Vaccarra anyway. So, a sort of intentionally cartoony backdrop.

The last project for now is my high school. I wanted it to be a three-level building and it will eventually (Isobel is potty training, that changing table shall soon be ours!!) but for now, it will just be a classroom.

Change Focus 

I love projects and furniture and new dolls (one is on the way for my birthday!) but it's time for me to focus on CLOTHES. I have found a few inexpensive online clothing shops, so I need to put the doll money there. And men, I need men! It gets so that before I hook up a couple, I have to figure out if they're distant relations, if they've hooked up with each other's friends. I need a bigger dating pool!

But back to clothes.  I hope you were able to take advantage of Cat (A Doll Affinity)'s new clothing line!

I know I was in line bright and early!

Nikki and Marisol will model for you. I have decided they are besties.

Love this stuff, Cat. It's such beautiful fabric and really professionally constructed. Everything is lined without being bulky. I love the jewelry too. The bracelets are wire so they can be loosened and tightened as needed. Cat, I need you to get in the doll jewelry business too!  :)

But that's not all! I decided my school needs uniforms. So I hunted around ebay and found some suuuuper cheap. Less than 5 bucks a piece. You can definitely tell in the quality, but it's not so bad for a top, jacket, skirt and shoes (horrible shoes that don't match).

This picture is crap but is the only one featuring "Miss Figueroa" wearing Cat's flowered top with a pencil skirt.

Grandville's Class of like, 2099 because none of them will ever grow up.

This is my Skipper reroot above (done by moi by the way!). I'm not sure about a name or personality yet.  When I was a high school freshman, me and my bff worshiped these three kids we called "Senior Metal Heads." While not metal heads ourselves, these three were tall and confident and kind (because they could be, they were seniors!) and they didn't listen to cheeseball metal, but speed metal or dark metal or whatever. Infinitely more respectable to budding punk rockers. The girl was Colleen and she had long blonde hair that she crimped sometimes. She reminded me of this Muppet. Anyway, I'm not naming her Colleen but she will be the inspiration for my hippie/skater tomboy.

"Hi, I'm so and so. I'm new to Grandville and these girls are not the most welcoming bunch. But I'm tough enough to take care of myself. I have a crush on Ian, the record store guy. Siiiigh."

"You know me. I'm Sookie Fear and I'm the leader of this here outfit. I'm still with Johnny Tan but it might be time for new boyfriend this year."

"I'm Raven. My dad is a teacher here. He's single, ladies. I'm dating Lucas, that new kid from Brazil. But he wants to take it further than I want to go..."

"I'm Penny. I'm drunk."  (Poor Penny, I didn't even pose her like this, she just fell. Don't worry kid, your big sister is coming to town and she's gonna set you on the straight and narrow!)

"You gotta be smokin' crack to not know me! And I probably sold it to you! haha! But seriously folks, I know the importance of an education. You think I wanna be pushin' all my life?"

I also bought two desks to check the scale and it looks like it will work just fine. I just have to order about 6 more and customize!

By the way the wall behind them is the color of the classroom. I was worried about the color but I think it's okay.

That's all folks. As I mentioned, my birthday is coming up (on Thanksgiving) but as faithful readers will know, I get my presents like 2 months early. Hey you never know when your coveted doll will sell out!  And I do covet this one. It was the same with Mistress Ava (Dark Hunter Simi) and Tallulah Wilde (Monogram Admiration). The moment I saw her, I was struck with a doll crush though the Fashion Royalty girls don't usually do much for me. I like Integrity dolls but the only FR in play right now is Bianca Boulanger (Bionica Jordan). She's a convention exclusive, so I had to get her fast and nude (or else pay waaay too much).

Still working on a name and occupation. But she will be friends with Ava and big sister to Penelope. So now she can't date Aragorn or Zeke. See what I mean?

Can you guess who she is? No, you won't win anything.

Also, I'm up to 89 followers! Many of you have many more but this is a big deal to me. I don't create a product, I don't sell doll stuff, I don't make beautiful doll photos, I am not fancy pants popular with the Fashion Royalty doll mag rich girl crowd, I don't do photostories often and I don't post very often. I am not a professional at anything. You followers are here purely for my writing and characters and amateurish attempts at customizing my world. And that means so much to me.

So when we reach 100, let's have a giveaway, yes?  There are some dolls I haven't been able to connect with so maybe I should send them to good homes. Or maybe some furniture or something. What do you think?



  1. The school girl line up makes me want my own legion of crazy school girls! lol Part anime and part punk rocker....sounds like my kinda place (not really...I'm too hermit like for that but my dolls can be that cool.) (^_^) So fun! And your besties look BEAUTIFUL modeling!! I will work on selling solid color separates in the near future. I cannot WAIT to be moved within the next few months...(I hate house hunting.)

    1. Makes me think of Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill! I envy you actually, I love house hunting. I love packing and unpacking! I love doing a deep cleaning a new space and decorating again! I do not love moving day though. I know it will be stressful and chaotic, but opening up doll boxes is like Christmas! Can't wait to see your new pieces! The gal I bought the pencil skirt from when out of business. If you make pencil skirts in the future, be sure to let me know. (like I won't be stalking your Etsy store)

  2. *squeals* Schoolgirls! I always wished at my school that they would have really cool uniforms, but if we did have them, they probaby would be the yucky tan jumpers. *sighs* And I love giveaways! Hope you do one!

    1. I was a huge fan of school girl type movies growning up. Always fantasized that I'd be sent away to some boarding school and I could wear cute uniforms. And I would customize them to make them my own! I plan on doing that for Sookie...

  3. Man, you're always so freakin busy, I get energy just from reading your posts, lol. Like you, I don't have much room for kids rooms in my doll world, so I'm excited to see what you come up with.

    I LOVE your skipper reroot! I was reading your post, thinking who IS that girl? Awesome job, you're such a natural at rerooting.

    And congrats on all your followers!I feel rather smarty pants knowing I was one of your first. :) Who needs a product or a zillion snooty FR dolls, when you're so damn entertaining!?

    1. A rerooting natural? *Cue the derisive laughter of my plastic buddies* Thanks honey! Smidge, you might have been THE first. In fact, since you pimped me on your blog, I owe many followers to you!

  4. I can't wait to see your school girls in action. I also bought some fashion from Cat and now I'm stalking our postman everyday! Agiveaway seems a cool idea, I'll definetely attend to it :D

    1. Thanks Sergio. I have to gather up some nice goodies to give away!

  5. Thank you for allowing me to peek into your doll world. It is one of the coolest non-conformist hobbies I have come across!

  6. Love Cat's fashions! Oddly, I like the school uniforms and they don't look cheesy to me. They'd also make great outfits for a burlesque show, hmmm...LOL.

    I know what you mean about not having the room for kids rooms. I'm thinking of nixing the idea of kids period in The Village. I may be speaking for myself here but my doll world is my way of taking a break from motherhood and I don't need to pay a babysitter to do it. Oops...did I say that? :O

    Can't wait to see the school!

    1. I feel you Tracy. My life is my kids. If I can only have a hour or two a day, they are damn well going to be raunchy and inappropriate! But a themed kids room might be cool. How would me and the Hubs decorate if we had all kindsa money? We'll see...

  7. So you bought all the Cat fashions. They sure went quickly. Love the school girls and their uniforms. Great characters, too! Don't you love it when the dolls just pose themselves? Looking forward to your high school antics.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! So am I. With all those hormones, there is such endless drama in high school.

  8. Hi,I am your new follower. I love your blog and the rooms you created...specially the dirty bathroom and the Gypsy caravan. You have a lovely blog and i enjoyed watching your pictures. Looking forward to see your high school.

    1. Hi Maria! Thank you so much for following and welcome to the blog!

  9. Lol i bought that same school outfit pack, thats so weird i think i got mine for 3 dollars though (dont know if thats right though)Anywase i look forward to seeing more of the high school!

  10. The school girls are absolutely adorable. I suspect they are a handful, though.

    1. Thanks Ro. That's for sure! I was quite a handful myself at that age!

  11. Super cute schoolgirls. My fave is the new girl, your naughtyl Momoko whose name eludes me now and Marisol.

    1. Thanks D7ana! My Momoko is Morgan. She's not new though. Marisol and I have had some trouble bonding. Maybe if I change that lip color...


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