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Remi and Bailey's New Place

Okay it's not finished, but I couldn't resist sharing. Here I am thinking of buying and customizing bookshelves when I could just buy foam core and make homes!

I'm not finished yet. I have to scruff up the "concrete" floor, find the missing black piece for my staircase, or maybe use a ladder staircase. I'll add some railing to the top floor, and I'm thinking of making a piece for the front that folds out so you can close it up and it will have a front door and windows.

Also, there is an additional room, a studio for both of them. He's a graffiti artist and she's a keyboardist. So some things may shift around.
Oh guys, I caved in and took down Tallulah's hair. It looks pretty good. I didn't have to do any trimming or anything. I dunno what is up with this picture. She doesn't have strange triangles on her eyes...You'll have better pictures soon. She's up for a photostory!

 And here is the happy couple enjoying a family moment. Can't we get rid of Veronica (Julian's mom)? It would be so easy if she wasn't around. Ah, such is life. Maybe you'd see a custody battle in their future.

I'm going to try to get this loft finished this weekend, so I hope to show you more soon!!



  1. I love their studio! Tallulah looks beautiful with her hair down, and I can't wait to see her photostory.

  2. Love the new home! Hope to see if finished soon. Where have you been? We've only been using foamcore for a few years now.

    1. You have read this blog before, right? You'll notice I've been using foam core as well, but only to build rooms, not a whole home.

  3. OMG I can't wait to see the finished house:)Hope you finish it soon!!!

    My dolls urgently need a house :/ But I got no idea how to make it for them,neither do I have enough place for it,may be I will buy one of those silly,tiny houses that Mattel offers,these days I am bumping into the beach house by Mattel a lot at my local toy store ;)

    1. Well the kiddies are sick but I'm hoping to get at least some of the basic construction done tonight. I'm sort of glad True Blood is over so I can get some work done on Sunday nights!

  4. The studio is super cool! I can't imagine how it could be once will be complete *applauses* Did you maje the ladder or you bouhght it? Tallulah is HOT with her new hair style, can't wait to see her debut!!!

    1. Thanks Sergio. The stairs come from a My Scene playset. Here Em'lia took these stairs and filled in the cracks with plaster. I'd like to do this. Give it a more realistic feel...

  5. This looks great Dani, and what a fabulous idea! I've been thinking about those storage shelves but my little one is getting way too curious about my toys, so this idea I may have to use for the high shelf in my closet. It's tall enough to make this design and get multiple condos made. Hmm...great idea and way more affordable. :)

    Bailey and Remi are an adorable couple! Julian fits right in with them, too cute. Tallulah's hair looks beautiful. Can't wait to see her story...

    1. The best part is the ability to take it apart or add to it, rearrange it, etc. I want to have permanent homes, but changing it up is always fun! Oooh, the potential for the rest of my folks!

  6. Great job Dani! It looks really good. I can't wait for you to finish it. I regret not purchasing the My Scene Masquerade set. The cost is phenomenal nowadays.

    1. Thanks Georgia Girl! I wish I knew the treasure I had when I had it too. I let several pieces go, including that window. Grr!

  7. Love this idea and cant wait to see how your progression goes. LOL, too bad Veronica is about to get the boot, but sacrifices must be made for the sake of drama.

    1. Thanks Muff. You were really inspiring with your house. Part two of the project will include a little exterior area...


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