So this weekend we had a yard sale, which is a really smart thing to do in 95 degree weather. We have very few customers, but made a couple hundred bucks. Mostly from my mother. Thanks Mom!
But this was to benefit my husband's missing music collection. So all the money belongs to him. He proceeded to buy groceries with it. What a guy. Know what else he bought?
I have been eyeing this washer/dryer for months but when I was ready to buy it, it was gone. So this will be painted red I think, with a silver ironing board. Not that it matters to the adult collector but I'm pleased to see that they spin. Mattel can be so slack on their play line.
Also pictured, my button shank remover arrived. Another one for the toolbox! Thanks for the wisdom Smidgegirl! I'm ready to cut the crap out of some plastic stuff! But now that I have it, I can't remember what I was so desperate to cut...
My doll room is still like a construction zone, but it will be beautiful by the weekend. (I hope I hope I hope)
Here's the best part of that laundry set:
Can you make out that shelf? Sorry the white balance on my camera is terrible. Working on it people, working on it. Anyway, though it is orange and glitter covered I'm going to leave it as is for my Blythe/Momoko inspired Technicolor Apartment.
I'm also thinking about the fantasy element of my doll world. When researching town names I came across a small town in France that is centered around a castle. Called the Chateau, I believe. I had an idea to repaint a little Barbie castle and have a vampire or something live there. But I'm leaning more towards a powerful sorceress. The castle or stately manor will be sort of like the Edward Scissorhands house. It's up on a hill, everyone's scared of it and no one knows what happens there. Except maybe the gypsy.
So I'm thinking about characters when I really should be thinking about my dang airplane which is still sitting dismantled in a plastic bin, waiting to be painted. I still have another month.
Also, that doll business I mentioned? I think I'll give you guys a sneak peek this week, but it needs its own post I think.
But this was to benefit my husband's missing music collection. So all the money belongs to him. He proceeded to buy groceries with it. What a guy. Know what else he bought?
Also pictured, my button shank remover arrived. Another one for the toolbox! Thanks for the wisdom Smidgegirl! I'm ready to cut the crap out of some plastic stuff! But now that I have it, I can't remember what I was so desperate to cut...
My doll room is still like a construction zone, but it will be beautiful by the weekend. (I hope I hope I hope)
Here's the best part of that laundry set:
I'm also thinking about the fantasy element of my doll world. When researching town names I came across a small town in France that is centered around a castle. Called the Chateau, I believe. I had an idea to repaint a little Barbie castle and have a vampire or something live there. But I'm leaning more towards a powerful sorceress. The castle or stately manor will be sort of like the Edward Scissorhands house. It's up on a hill, everyone's scared of it and no one knows what happens there. Except maybe the gypsy.
So I'm thinking about characters when I really should be thinking about my dang airplane which is still sitting dismantled in a plastic bin, waiting to be painted. I still have another month.
Also, that doll business I mentioned? I think I'll give you guys a sneak peek this week, but it needs its own post I think.
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