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I have a zillion things on order right now, from doll stuff to kid stuff and nothing had arrived yet! Each day I return home looking at my front step in excited anticipation and each time it's just a stack of flat packages which can only mean one thing: comic books for the Hubs.


The day before yesterday was much of the same. I didn't even look at the pile of mail.

But then, the Hubs sang, "There's something from Hong Kong...."

YAY! Birthday prezzies!

He got me two punk rock girl outfits. So cute, down to the little safety pins! Here are my models:

The stockings are too big for skinny Dynamite legs, but they'll be fine for some of my other girls. The best part is that if you remove the safety pins, they're like another outfit. The jacket might lose the safety pins. Too many pins and you look like a total poseur.

And yesterday, this arrived: (Hey Smidge, didn't you just win the same one?)
I'm not impressed. The shoes are worse quality than any other Barbie shoe I've ever owned. But they redeemed themselves with the silver compact that actually has a little powder puff inside. Aw, now I'll have to get that other one with the snake skin bag. I wish I could just pick and choose what I want from these packs...

Since I'm taking pictures, I might as well show you my wall panels which still need a little work before I attach them to my shelf:
After some paint touch up, I'll add my stirrers (painted white) to frame the windows and hide my booboos.
Okay so that's it for now, kids. This weekend I hope to get these walls done, some carpet installed, temporary flooring in (I know, I always say it's temporary).

But what I really need to do is file my stuff away. I have a box of "to be filed" items from photostories, or shoots. Like if I set up a bar, all the bottles and glasses never go directly to the 'Kitchen' box, they just end up in catch-all box with the other accessories used. I really have to clean that box out as well as the rest of the doll room.

Do you guys have that issue too? Also I think it's time to say "see you later" to some furniture. I keep this metal coffin thing around and I don't know why. Time to box it up and stick it in the shed along with all my naked Barbies who will be my repaint victims one day... Here's the coffin by the way. That Sooki, so dramatic.


  1. LOL! Isn't "There's something here from Hong Kong!" just the nicest thing to hear? Those outfits are awesome! Your girls look so kickass! I have total addiction to mail day, too (don't we all!). Days I get nothing (or boring crap), I'm so deflated! Addiction? Naaaaah!

    And yup, I just won the same BB pack! Was that a birthday gift? I was pretty surprised (well, not surprised, but you know) that like 2 of the pairs of shoes were just the typical 10 cent shoes that come with any dollar store doll, just painted to match the set. But the powder puff is adorable, and a couple f the shoes fit FR, which is a bonus for me. (Plus, it was a free gift, so I can't complain to much, lol) But, I soooo agree, I wish I could pick & choose-- I want that snake skin bag, too!

    But, I suppose Mattel knows that too, so they package one good thing in each set, along with tons of junk, knowing we'll buy the junk to get the good stuff. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. They could possible be that evil... right? :)


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