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A Hiatus, Sort of

My dear faithful followers *I stand poised at my grand balcony, doing my best Eva Peron wave*

Vita Plastica is going on hiatus! We found a lovely (1:1) house and I've got to pack up all my little friends and their homes. We're moving on to something bigger and better so just you wait and see what Grandville will have to offer. (Mostly to me, but it will offer stuff to you too!)

When I was in 8th grade, I went with my aunt to buy some wine (I stayed in the car) and I saw my French teacher, no doubt buying some excellent vintage. I was stunned. Sure I know teachers are people. But some part of me was shaken to see her outside of school. Like, she exists outside of the school compartment of my brain?

Anyway that's how I feel whenever you guys have a non-doll post. Like, they exist outside of doll world? In fact, the 3 year old in me wonders if you all are not made of vinyl and resin. And here I am being a real flesh person.

But this hiatus is only about doll related craft work. I'll still be here checking out your blogs, hanging out on the forums, etc. Now I'll have a little time to sort through the photos I take here and there. Maybe I can string them into the story that runs in my head.

Anyway, moving to me fills me with the same feeling I get when I buy a new doll or at Christmas. I get to pack and organize, then I go to a new home and open boxes of presents. Okay so they're boxes of my own stuff, but I like my stuff!

Well, off to obsess about the perfect move. I live to organize, so this should be fun!



  1. Dani all the best to you in your move. I can't wait to see what Grandville evolves into with more space. When you're done there can you come here and help me organize..PLEEEAASE :O)

    Seriously I hope your hiatus isn't too long. I will still pop in and check your entries. I may start from the beginning :O)

  2. Hahah! Thanks, that's so flattering! And don't temp me. I will come to your house with plastic bins. hahah!

  3. Yes Dani, there is a Santa Claus...and we are real people too! :P LOL You're so fun, and quirky that I'm really glad you fell into the 1:6 world with the rest of us! :D :D

    About the move----That is FREAKIN AWESOME! I'm so glad you've had the luck to find a home! Yay! Congratulations!

    *We just got called today by the real estate agent we're listing with (we haven't even signed the contract yet--and she has someone interested--so maybe we'll be moving soon too!*

  4. YAY for new homes! Did you find a new home yet? Glad to hear someone's interested! Woohoo for doll space. Oh and yeah for my kids, whatever. hee.

  5. Congratulations on your new home!! Your move to a bigger place means more fun and play for/with your little people.

  6. Congratulations! I've never seen someone so excited about moving and organizing! I have an idea. Why don't you video journal you organizing at least the doll area. That would give all your fans some wonderful ideas. It would also save on all the airplane tickets needed to come to each of our homes. You have kids? Who knew?

  7. Nope, no new place yet--we're mostly window shopping at this point since trans-atlantic home buying just seems insane! ;P We're selling here, getting mark's visa and then home to stay with friends while we look & figure out where we're gonna transplant to!

    LMAO @ "Woohoo for doll space. Oh and yeah for my kids, whatever. hee."

  8. Thanks all. So you're coming back to the States Erica?! That's gotta be a total pain. Wishing you the best of luck and selfishly hoping you'll end up on the East coast!

    Thanks Vanessa, I was just thinking about that this morning! I might do the packing process too. I'm a sucker for a makeover!

    I do manage to mention the non-plastic children once in a while, but I try to keep this hobby and blog all to myself. It doesn't always work.

  9. Oh yes! I've been looking forward to it for the last 4 years! And yes, it's gotta be East Coast all the way baybeeeeeeeee!
    (we're planning on NH but you never know what might happen!) ;)
    And yep. It's going to take a lot of coordination & patience (and chocolate) to get it done...but it will! *power of positive thinking!* :D

  10. OMG - I like moving too!! Everyone talks about how stressful it's not easy but it does have the benefits you mention.

  11. Oh you're moving, well don't stay away too long because I will really miss you! I'm with Vanessa, please keep a video journal.

    Have fun packing!

  12. Yay! This will be sort of a happy hiatus! :) Way to go on your new home, that's so exciting. Good luck with getting settle in and organized and I hope you still get to keep your doll room. :) Definitely keep us posted and like EbonyNicole says, don't stay away too long.

  13. Yeah I think for me stress is something that is out of my control. So the stressful part of moving for me is tied up in other people and how they can affect the process.

    I definitely want to do the video journal. I have an idea about how to do it. I'll blog about it soon.


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