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Happy 100 Followers!

Found my camera cord and just in time. Vita Plastica has reached 100 followers and all without a significant presence in the doll world other than this blog of ramblings and sub-par doll pics. You people like my demented mind.

I have been really lucky to be part of such a wonderful community of artists. So to thank you for your support and for all being so inspiring, I'm offering giveaway. Just leave a comment and you will enter in the drawing for her. Please don't comment if you're not interested. I guess I'll do the drawing, what, April 1st? You see how official I am being about this thing.

Look, I'm Dani, and that means I'm not going to trick you with a bunch of flowery language. I'm going to be very honest at the risk of making this doll seem unattractive.

I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, Seashore Rebel Natalia. She will come with all her original accessories. She is a used doll. She (along with two others from her line) was my first Fashion Royalty doll. And she's been played with. But not for a few years.

Her body is pretty good condition. Not too loosey goosey. She's not as wonky as I have posed her. Sorry kid. Some discoloring. Elbow joints were sort at odds with the middle arm piece, but damage isn't significant. Body seems to have aged in different shades. Is that hunched over early FR body.

Her hair is still pretty silky with a side part.

I'm sorry I neglected to get a shot of the back of the bathing suit. It looks like a 2 piece from the back, with a two separate hook closures.

Original jewelry is included but kind of tarnished. The anklets go through the back of the shoes, but I never used them much. Too impossible. They're a little tarnished as well. Original stand included (likely a different telescopic pole). Pretty scratched up.

Purse is in beautiful condition and I really really hated parting with it.

She's got a great face for a repaint artist. Way harsh makeup.

She'll come in an FR box, but not her own, which has become too beat up. I think this box belongs to Flight Pattern Kyori.

Well there she is folks. Just enter a comment if you're interested and you will enter the drawing to win her! She's no spring chicken but she and her parts can still fetch you a penny or two.

Good luck!



  1. She is GORGEOUS. I would love to own her. Count me in on the drawing. Congrats on getting 100 followers.

  2. Oooh! Count me in! I already have this girl, but she looks like perfect doll to start trying out my repainting on. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  3. I can't help but be reminded a little of Jem with that super-bright makeup. :D

  4. Hey Dani, it's Connor again. I would love to enter, so sign me up! I actually think she looks beautiful, I hope that I can win! Is it a random drawing?

  5. Hey Dani! "Comment, comment, comment" LOL. She's gorgeous! So much attitude. Please, count me in too. :)

  6. Hello from Spain: congratulations on your success in the following. I like to participate in this drawing. This doll is awesome. Count me. Keep in touch

  7. Congratulations on getting 100 followers!
    Wow, that's REALLY generous give away gift @@ Count me in too, please.

  8. Congrats on getting 100 followers! Count me in! She has always been one of my favorites.

  9. Congrats on hitting 100 folowers! How generous of you to offer this gorgeous doll as a prize! I do not own any FR dolls and would love to be included in your give away!

  10. Congrats on having 100 followers!!! That's really great!!! Thanks for giving away such a great prize. Count me in on the give away!!! Good luck to all who enter!!!

  11. Happy 100 following!! I love this girl, count me in in the giveaway :-)

  12. Wow, now that's a giveaway! Count me in. Natalia is already on my list. Congrats on getting 100 followers. Yes, we love your demented mind. Did I say that out loud?

  13. Congrats on 100 followers!! And, I like her face paint...I think she might just need a different hair color to match it. Personally...she is a stunner as is. <3 And I'm not just sayin' that because re-rooting her would be a total pain. Haha! ;) Count me in Dani!!

  14. Yay on your 100th!! I hope to get there one day. Natalia is one of my favorite ladies so count me in :-) Good luck everyone


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