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Two Story Updates!

Hello my dears!

It's been longer than I wanted but I had some improvements to make. The Hubs was kind enough to give up some of our shared space in the basement so I could have my workshop separate from the town of Grandville. Now I have a bit more room to spread out. I'll do a tour of that in the next post I think.

My big challenge is backgrounds. I have been plagued with wood paneled walls in my doll rooms. And when I expanded Grandville park recently it became a real issue. So I painted some Dollar Tree foamcore (uh, just remove the paper if you plan on painting). And voila, blue sky. It's not cute at the creases but it is so much better than wood paneled sky.

Let's get to it. Okay remember I was going to have a place called The Spot? Well I soon realized I did not have upscale swanky bar/lounge furniture. So I used what I had and made Sutra, Isha's bar/lounge (a cover for her secret underground brothel).

Isha entertaining a client.

Nikki makes eye contact with Felix, who quickly looks away.
Is he on a date? I thought he and Dani were reconciling.

Forget him, I need to focus on me. Damn, I'm so nervous. I hate blind dates.

 "Oh!" Nikki gasps, pleasantly surprised.
"I'm so sorry if I'm late."

"Nikki, I presume? I'm Judah. It's wonderful to finally meet you."
"Finally? Didn't you just see me for the first time this morning?" Dang it Nikki, stop being a smartass, she thinks.
Judah laughs. "I like spunky women."

"Well I think we're gonna get along just fine, Judah."
They talked into the night until Sutra closed for the evening.

Then decided to take a walk in the park. [This photo is only included to show you part of the new park. She looks like she's about to fall backwards.]

Neither of them had much luck with dating and they were savoring every moment of this deep connection.
 Then well...

Okay so last we saw Hanna, she was about to head out on the town to Club Population, reluctantly.

"Hanna!" her brother Hans greeted. She was grateful he was the first person she encountered.

"Holy crap, this bitch is back?"

 "Hanna, why didn't you tell me you were back in town?"
"I was afraid Hans. You were dating Felix's buxom sister. If you, of all people rejected me now..."
"You are my sister and I will always be here for you. Plus I dumped her ages ago."

The crowd reacts to her appearance.

"The hell?" Marie slurs.

"Morgan, you're a true friend. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms."
"Oh there are plenty of us that still like you, Hanna."
"I can't imagine why."

Hanna knows she has to amends.
 "Sookie, Marie, there is nothing I can say or do to make up for ruining Dani and Felix's relationship. As their siblings, I can understand why you hate me."

"You did more than ruined their relationship. You had my brother raped. You are a fucking monster. And if I wasn't gonna be the first suspect, I would kill you myself."

"I've done a lot of terrible things to some good people. I know it will take time, but I hope we can share the same community without strife."

 "Um, who is this bitch glaring at me?"

"I'm Pia Fitzgerald," she growls.

"My big sister."

"Ah, young, fragile Penny. I have no apologies to offer you. You might as well get acquainted with the nature of the male beast."

 "Any girl dumb enough to date Zeke deserves what she gets."
"Hey!" Zeke shouts from the back.

"I've been dreading this meeting the most, Bailey."
"As well you should. You did some evil shit, man."

"I know. I know. It seemed harmless at the time, if you can believe it," Hanna said.
"You have got to let this obsession with Dani go. If you expect to keep my friendship, you leave that girl alone now."
"I will. I promise."

"Okay, get in here, girl," Bailey says.

"Come meet my boyfriend and girlfriend."
"God, you're such a slut."

She's just so purdy, I threw this in.

I have another story for you but it's nearly my bedtime, so look for one tomorrow maybe? Finally the story of my royals begins! Then stops again because I ordered a home for Princess Victoire but it is going to need some work before it's fit for a queen.



  1. This is so fascinating! I need to see more!!

  2. Whoa, I missed that story bit where Hanna had Felix raped?! Or is Marie exaggerating. Fumbling with computer, gotta check.

    The new park makes a great backdrop. Inspiring ;-)

    1. Hi D7ana. Check here:

  3. Sweeet. Love both stories. Again I say, Judah, Judah, Judah. He and Nikki make a great couple. Love that park! Club population is so alive. Hanna does look great in her outfit with her new reroot.

  4. Everything is always amazing! Loved this post!!
    I got a Star Doll Fallen Angel head from Doll Page and I'm looking for a body, on which kind of body is yours?

    1. Thanks Sergio. There are two Fallen Angels pictured. The one seated is on a Pop Life body. The one talking to rockabilly Zeke is on a Liv body.

  5. Great entrance and love the club! Your park looks wonderful and even though Nikki looked like she might be falling, Judah definitely looked like he was catching her. They're going to be great together. :)

    1. Thanks doll! (Though I like calling women "dolls", calling a doll lover, "doll" is kinda weird.

  6. Ahhh! So glad you are back. The park looks awesome! Quick question, when painting the foamboard did you just use a solid light blue or did you paint light clouds or anything? By the way, I am so jealous of your "Pia" doll, she is on by dream doll list! Look great!

    1. Hi Connor, I painted it with solid blue paint thinned out with water and rolled on with a mini roller you can get in any paint section. Anytime I use a brush it looks really streaky and messy. I was thinking about doing clouds at a later date. I just needed something right away for an upcoming story.

  7. Hanna is beautiful, I love the reroot! ... but... omg... she's TERRIBLE!!! I can't believe she has any friends left 0_0 It'll be interesting to see what happens now that she's back!

  8. Nikki and Judah really hit it off! A little talking, a little walking, a little smooching - sounds right to me!


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