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My First Momoko!

I didn't expect her until Thursday, but my Military Girl Momoko arrived!  She's adorable. But aren't they all? 

I like the stand but it's a bit cumbersome. Plus she doesn't even need it.

 I love that she comes with a tank top and panties. The suit will be going elsewhere. One day I'm going to have a customized Barbie airplane hanging from the ceiling of my fantasy doll room. So now the pilot has a nice outfit.

By the way, please notice that I've added white contact paper to the kitchen walls. That jacked up butcher block will be dealt with soon.
 It's yellow and blurry but I love this picture. Momokos have a great body.
 Flexy ankles too.
 Here she is with BFF Sooki, who pulling a Winehouse here. I was not prepared for the height difference, but it gives a little variety.
My only complaint is that her face is pretty boring. They all look alike. Another complaint is the mouth. Her mouth looks really strange. Cartoonish. Well, too cartoonish. I might have to hang out on Flickr and see what others might have done to improve on that.

And she looks really innocent. So I think I might make her a coke dealer or something.

I dunno, I like Momoko but I'll find a much better deal before buying again.

Okay, that is IT. I bought too many girls in quick succession and I haven't gotten time to process them all into the narrative. I need some backstories here!



  1. Oh you lucky duck! She is gorgeous! I so want Momoko B-girl. I love the dolls with the wild curly, get up and go hair.

    I like your idea for her, it just goes to show you never know what's behind an innocent face. LOL

  2. I like the big curls too but it always ends up getting kind of ratty on me. I'd love some styling tips! I had Byron Lars Sugar Barbie and I just wanted to take away the frizz with just a little boiling water. It totally gave her a texturizer...I had to rebody her a million times to love her again. You can see her in my Animals post at the beginning of February.

  3. Holy crap! Miss a few days & you miss a lot at your house, lol! You've doubled your doll collection! Military girl is awesome! I love her hair, and your idea about making her a coke dealer cracked me up. I really think she could pull that off! Congrats on all your kickass recent pick ups!

  4. I have 3 Momokos and don't want to go past that number. She's so sweet looking and I find that they all tend to look the same to me ( I said to me..LOL). I can't wait to see the drug dealer story develop. She's so sweet looking she's the least likely suspect :O)

  5. Alright I lied..LOL. I just bought Snow White Momoko oh well..she looked different (that's my story and I'm sticking to it ;O)

  6. Congrats on your momoko!

    Momokos tend imo to have nice facial sculpts. I think that you should write her to have a devious character beneath that "so sweet and cool that butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" look.

    One word of warning (my personal experience with 2 momokos so far) is that the ankle joints & wrist joints can be weak & break easily so just be careful.

  7. Thanks Smidgey. If I can't get lighting perfect, I'm at least trying to compose a shot a bit better!

    Hahah Dolls4Moi, we are junkies!

    @ Erica: I am kind of a brute, so I'll be careful!

  8. I so want a momoko, just 1 or 2 will make me happy! This year will be a hunt for a momoko doll. I don't care which one I get, I just need one!

  9. I know Ebony Nicole! You just have to, right?! She's pretty irresistible.


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