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You Might Have a Doll Problem If... are desperate to buy something with consistent 1 star ratings just because it looks fairly realistic.

Case in point Moxie Girlz Magic Snow Cabin. I know the icicles fall off and the roof falls off and the magic of the magic snow is its ability to stick to everything. But I want it anyway! Look at how cute and realistic it will be if you paint it. Everyone complaining are moms who are not down with the art of customization, so what do they know anyway?

I had this vague idea that my doll town was in the mountains in France somewhere. I need a chalet, do I not? I think so.

But can we discuss this house? I'm in love! Look at it! Okay I hear you but look at exterior! Now this is being billed as Moxie Girlz house. But I've seen it called a Bratz House too with slightly different accessories. Leftovers from the Mattel lawsuit? Now if this is big enough for Moxies it will be fine for Barbie and FRs but if it's Bratz, that's an issue.

Anyone have this house? If not I'll report on it soon because I'm not sure I can fight this urge...


  1. I love them both. I don't have either, so I can't comment on quality or size. Good luck. We both know you won't be happy until you get them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Dani, I have the Moxie Girlz house and the scale is a little small for Barbie but you've got skills and it can be made to work. The kitchen stove & sink is kind of shallow but again, it can be made to work in a diorama. Especially if you want to use it like a small apartment scene. I really like the snow cabin...don't have that one so I can't offer advice on it. Here are a couple of links to my flickr photos where I used the Moxie house.

    Found this video you can view it a little better. Strange video but it gives you an idea. I think the only furniture it came with was a bed (too small for Barbie) but it did come with bathroom and some kitchen accessories.

  4. Oooh thanks Tracy. That is pretty small. But maybe I can use some parts. I guess it's the ski lodge for me! What body is that on Aja? I'm trying to rebody mine but everything is too light or too dark.

  5. I think you could make it work...maybe even a dinner scene. :) Aja is on an Artsy Fashionistas body, perfect match. Oh, and check out this item # 290587716196 on eBay. This seller repaints Gloria Furniture and uses the Moxie doll house as the background. She repainted the house chandeliers and even though it's small, it looks really cool.

  6. Oooh it does look nice. I was thinking of it a future hotel and this being the entrance. I could just buy the doors on ebay. They're the best part IMO. Thanks for the info on Aja. Off to Target I go!


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