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And I'm Done

There was a time I could put my doll habit aside for months. When  not every single moment of my life was spent obsessing over the next story or project. This was before blogging. Now for every project, I pause and take a picture, I craft blog entries in my head and I can't wait to share XY or Z with you guys. The minute the project is done, I think of the next.  The audience adds a level of responsibility, accountability...and (self imposed) pressure.

Sometimes I don't feel able to enjoy to my dolls because I know I'll have to report on what I'm doing.  For this and other reasons, I have come to a decision.

So my dear friends, I take my leave of you. The blog will remain open, the website is still there and I'm still on Facebook and Tumblr (barely).

Time to dedicate myself to some crafty kid related things.  Maybe even a kid craft blog so I can still get my writing in. Maybe I'll go to college. Help my dad garden in his golden years. Spend some money on me, my kids, my house.

I'll still be doing my thing but maybe when you see me next maybe it will be in completed photostories.

And I do promise some wedding photos whenever that happens. No pressure for me! These dolls aren't getting any older!

Au revoire from Grandville!  (knowing me I'll be back in a week.)


  1. Part of me hopes you will return in a week. Even if you don't post anything, please keep me updated. *hugs* You aren't alone in feeling this way.

  2. "Don't leave me alone
    Don't leave me on my own
    I'm so afraid
    Why can't you stay?
    Just don't leave, don't leave me alone"
    I hope you'll return in a week too
    *sumo hugs*

  3. Awww, well if its what you think is the best! Hope to see you soon!

  4. So are you leaving for while and coming back soon, I don't understand why do I feel so sad! "tears coming down!"

  5. You guys are sweet. We'll always have Facebook! Okay off to build a park bench and make a room set up and some art and some records and some reroots...Baby steps.

    Maybe I will take the summer off and come back. We'll see.

  6. You'll be truly missed, but I so understand. Please pop in to let us know what you're up to.

    P.S. I hope that you will be back in a week or two.

  7. Don't go completely post only when something really gets you excited and you just have to share it.

  8. I happen to know you will be back after a short break. Playing with your dolls won't be the same without sharing it with your friends. Blogging justifies the reason to play. Not to mention there is a record of all you've done with the dolls. I can't imagine there not being a record of all my doll play. We completely understand your need to take a break. I feel the self imposed pressure all the time. Every time someone writes, "I can't wait for the next..." But a little bit of pressure is good for the soul. Take as long as you need to get rejuvenated and we will see you back in a bit.

    P.S. Is it the wedding pressure that pushed you over the edge? Mine almost pushed me over the edge a couple of times.

  9. I spent one night without crafting and I paced the living room not knowing what to do with myself! haha. I do understand, like when Cat decided to take a hiatus or Carmen at Smidgehouse, that their voices are part of our little club and it's not the same without them.

    There is no wedding pressure for me really. It's just a project I roll my eyes at, then move on to something else. I just need to not announce things that are in the works before just doing it.

    But there is a point to collecting when all of this feels a little...unhealthy. Me and my plastic folks need a little distance.

    I'd like to be like Roville. She creates, she photographs, she makes stories. But does it whenever she wants, on her terms with no blog. Seems like a peaceful existence.

  10. I really enjoy your blog. I totally get the "taking a break from blogging" thing. After a long period of being ruled by posting photostories on a forum I belonged to, I feel like I came back totally in control of things. I really hope that you feel the same way when you come back (and please come back...?)

  11. I understand what you're writing. I started blogging as a way to cope with the death of my mother and find a creative outlet for my sadness. It has been a very long journey. I finally reached the acceptance phase over the holidays last year. Now, blogging is a little bit of a chore.

    I hope you will continue to enjoy your collection, and when you feel like sharing something, put it out there! Everyone needs a break sometime. It's good to step back, consider everything carefully, and then make a decision that best supports you and your family. Keep it fun! I will miss your blog entries and hope to see something in the future!

    1. Thanks DSD. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Writing can be so therapeutic. I will likely come back when I have something new to share.

  12. WOW! I missed this before! Yeah, I understand. Even doing one post a week, you feel like you might be letting people down. Doing it all can be a JOB! Thinging up stories, having and finding everything for the story, taking pictures editing pictures, writting, can be a bit much. Do what you have to do! This blogging is about our metal health because I don't think many of us are doing it for a living!

  13. Yes Ms. Leo! I already notice a difference. Last night I just made lists of projects to work on. I took a few nights off of doll work altogether. I was able to take some time trying out some new techniques. One project I threw in the garbage and another I redid entirely. Feeling more inspired than ever. But I will return after a while for a quick report...

  14. it's very good price in polish website ;D I greet :)

  15. I came here because there was a new post from you, but now it's gone. :( I hope that you are feeling a bit rejuvenated, and I hope to hear from you from time to time.

  16. Thanks Dark Beauty!

    Roxanne Roxanne (love the name!) Sorry. Yeah I posted but after I published it, I just felt like a junkie who had to come back for a fix. I will post in a couple of weeks and I'll have some pictures of what I've been up to! Thanks for the support!


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