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My Holy Grail

Introducing Talloolah Wilde.  


Hailing from 1930's Louisiana (but educated in New York and abroad). A stuck up mulatto who thinks highly of herself although everyone knows her mama was a whore and her grandmother killed a man in cold blood. She is always in the company of wealthy gentlemen callers.

OR maybe she's not stuck up at all but they everyone thinks she is because she's so beautiful and mysterious. And maybe you'd be a whore too if you had no education or prospects. And if you had to raise not only your three children, but your younger brothers and sisters because your Mama's in jail and your daddy went home to his white family. And maybe some folks call it cold blood, but when a man is trying to take your home and your children away from you, you'll do just about anything you need to do to keep them safe.

And just maybe gentlemen callers who want to take care of you are the only company you can get when everyone is jealous and suspicious of you. And who doesn't want to feel loved? And really, who doesn't love diamonds?

Inspired by Toni Morrison's Sula, Melinda Haines's Mother of Pearl and my own grandmother. And also Martina Topley-Bird's album Some Place Simple which has a lot of African, "Negro" spirituals,  Harlem Renaissancey type of influences:

Such as


Maybe the movie Idlewilde too but I don't remember much of it. But the atmosphere...

I wanted to do a better photoshoot with proper lighting but my 3 year old was sick and up until 2 am talking about shadows in her room and freaking out. Sigh.

But already I've kicked Hanna out of her new apartment and given it to Talloolah. I'm not sure it's grand enough for her so we have to work on something new. Or she can move into Josephine's blue room for now.

Okay time to rearrange Grandville to give everyone some room to stretch out. I may send Josephine off to France for 6 months. Her house is mighty crowded right now.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She looks beautiful! Her back story sounds very intresting. Congrats on finally getting your holy grail doll!

  3. Bow down to your Holy Grail conquer! She's a hottie!! I'm crazy for her shoes an for her bag!!!

  4. Wow Dani! You have OUT DONE yourself with this gal. I LOVE her, and I had a slight feeling that this was your Grail doll. And the back story is superb. I will send lots of energy your way in the rearranging of Grandville. Doll room over haul is.....hard. Ha! (^_^)

  5. I just picked up this girl nude from ebay and I am absolutely smitten with her as well. When did the monograms get so danged beautiful!??

  6. I know, I just love this gal. I'm terrified of her.

    I'm going to update this with close ups of her shoes and bag, Sergio.

    Hmm, I've noticed that my links don't look like links. You can click on "Such as" and "And" to hear some good music. I'll fix the link issue.

  7. I can see why she's your Holy Grail...she's a exquisite! I like her story too. Can't wait to see her in Grandville!

  8. Thank you!!! OMG! They're absolutely fab!!!!

  9. Tallolah is gorgeous! Congrats! There is nothing like obtaining a holy grail. Well, maybe a few things. Love the Toni Morrison inspired story. Poor Grandeville. They won't know what hit them.

  10. Congratulations on getting her. She is lovely. Striking.

  11. Hello! I'm Elena, I also collect fashion dolls and create lots of little things for them! if you want to see my dolls and my creations, find me here:
    see you soon!

  12. WOOOOOOOOO!!! Congrats!!! She's beautiful!!!!

  13. Nice doll, photos, scenery and story. wow!

  14. Thanks Duke. I sure love this doll.


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