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Versatile Blogger Award!

Wow, I don't think I've ever been awarded anything for this blog. And I've had two nominations in the last month. Feels pretty good to be liked for doing what I love.

So first of all, thank you Sergio Alabiso!

And thank you to D7ana!

Both of you have been huge supporters and big time commenters even though I am a slacker and never comment on anything. I really appreciate the love.

You all can click on their names to link to their respective blogs. And view the VBA rules here:

15 is pretty small number to nominate so if I leave you out, I apologize.

The Toybox Philosopher
Hey, It's Muff
The Duke of Swann
A Doll Affinity
The Traveling Twig
All 4 Barbie
One Sixth Avenue
My Froggy Stuff
One Sixth Scale Dollhouse
The Fashion Doll Review
Shuga Shug
I Luv Dolls
Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
The Waverlys
Saucy Suwi's Building of The Priors

Hmm, now seven things about myself? This is always tough.

  • I'm always cranky but I'm also always smiling.
  • I always wanted to decorate store windows. I think this is why I love doll work so much.
  • I'm a mother of two girls under five that seem to have inherited aspects of my doll love. (Crafting and plotlines)
  • My family is Haitian and my husband's family is Puerto Rican. We call our child "Haitericans," which is perfect because we're such haters.
  • My husband is also a toy collector as well as a DJ (which makes him a record, cd and mp3 collector.) He also collects comic books. Sigh. 
  • I have basically had the same hairdo since I was 12. But I always wanted purple hair. One day, my love, one day.
  • I believe this bit to be true for most of us: You know how they say in dreams, every person is actually you? I believe this is true with our dolls. And those that are not were close friends or that cool girl in high school that I wanted to be like. 

Okay so a couple of those weren't about me but like my dolls, my family is me. Now if only they would just hush up and let me pose them in little outfits.

Thanks again for the nomination!



  1. I love your humor and I follow most of those sites.Now I am going to check out the others. :-)


  2. Hi Dani! You are welcome. Glad to read more about you and to see the bloggers you recommend.

    Comments are small payments in return for your funtastic writings and diorams. More, more, more! When you can and wish, of course.

    Once, I thought that your blog was about expensive doll furniture - so glad to have found that not true. Don't know how I came to that conclusion. Never been so glad to have been so wrong. Thanks for posting and sharing your world - 1:6 and 1:1 with us ;-)

  3. It's well deserved! Yours is one of the most interesting blog here, always fun, not full of cheap goodism and never boring :-) I hope you will keep the good job, thank you for being you!

  4. I love your blog your funny and creative and always post nice pictures even if you don't think so! <3


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