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Dolly University List of Tools

Here is a list compiled from Figurevore and FDQ In Focus, as well as some personal needs. I will NOT buy all these before starting. It would be a great way to procrastinate though... Got anything to add?

Tools and Materials

Dremel tool

Sandpaper-fine, medium, coarse

Button Shank Remover

Fine Crochet Needle

Darning needle

Fine paintbrushes for repainting

Doll hair

High quality acrylics (Liquitex) for repaints

Sealant-matte acrylic clear sealer



Miter box and saw



E6000 glue

Clear Museum Gel

Water spray bottle

Straight pins

Scissors: one each for hair, fabric and paper


Xacto knife and blades

Double stick tape

Small clamps or clothespins

Armature wire

Rat tail comb


Cotton batting

Tiny Rollers

Compass for making circles

Foam Core boards

Polystyrene sheets

Rotary Cutter


  1. Is it frightening that I have almost everything on yout list? I want to attend Dolly U as well.

  2. It's fantastic that you do! I only have a few things. I think I'll just have to get the tools when the assignment calls for it. I'd love it if you'd follow along and post your results on your blog too.


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