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As promised

Hello my friends!

Okay so here are some shots of the caravan.

Carmen reads the cards for a gypsy friend:

Here's a view from the front. I finally bought some needed items last night, so I have no excuse anymore.

I'm going to do the bumper, grill and housing for the lights in silver paint. I do need to get some of that. I bought some aluminum tape but I don't know if that will work. When I sprayed the caravan with lacquer I had some cracking in the paint but it might be kind of cool. Maybe I can do some aging on the bumper and stuff...

I also tore out the carpeting. It was just sort of crooked and I was basically being picky. Glad I did because I relocated the stove to the shower stall. I'll be putting up some shelving and stuff in there. I made a clay oven but since I have basically never used clay before, it turned out to be a cracked mess the next day. Welp, I guess I'll try papier mache. I refuse to buy another one (have bought two already).

Hey anyone out there collect 16 inch dolls and want a cast iron potbelly stove? Lemme know.

But what really has me stumped is the outside decoration for the caravan. I could leave it the way it is. There are plenty of plain caravans out there. I did find some mehndi stencils but I don't know if it's worth it. We'll see.

I did s'more stuff in the doll room. I created a record store in honor of my DJ husband and a coffee bar too. Realizing my dolls don't have anywhere to really hang out...

Coffee bar with my rockabilly couple:

My goth teens: Raven, Sooki and Candy:

Felix and Dani discuss why the giant lady hasn't finished their house at all. (in the background you will see the shelf liner that will be their temporary flooring)

Here's what the doll room looks like these day (with a sneak peek of the caravan exterior). Yeah it's a mess. I have no shame. Dollwork is messy!

In that gray box, I have so many gypsy treasures I can't wait to add to the caravan:

Okay hopefully that makes up for going so long without a good post!



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