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Weekend Plans

Man, I've never been so happy to see Friday. How can you be so exhausted all the time, but then have so much energy? Maybe I am tired of work and only have energy for dolls and other small adorable creatures?

I actually have plans with fully grown human type people this weekend so I don't know how much work will be done. But I always say that and cram in as much as possible.

The Year of Luxury doesn't actually begin until October 31st but I'm getting a head start. We're getting our car checked out on Saturday and if I don't spend a month's rent on repairs (doubtful, it's just the check engine light that's been on for like a year and our mechanic is awesome), then I am buying myself a luxurious gift.

I'm not going to say what it is because you if actual doll collectors beat me to ebay and buy it, I might cry. No seriously, I will. I'm really hormonal. But I will tell you after I buy it and take many pictures.

You know, Josephine's hair is a hot mess. I am having a hard time getting a grip on her short hair so I can wrap it around rollers or straws. I have used Elmer's Glue to style hair before. My Legolas Ken has gone from New Age Dork in touch with his feelings to....

...Rockabilly Rock Star with a little help of Elmer's Glue

So maybe Josephine will get her little spit curls back. Elmer's Glue does wash off after all. Perhaps I should invest in some doll wigs?

In other news my mom is giving a sewing class starting next month and despite having two daughters, all my sewing will go towards dolls. Hee. Why not make some lovely shift dresses in luxurious fabrics?

But this weekend, it will be:
Finish wainscoting
Install balcony doors in bedroom
Put up Foyer wall
Put up bathroom wall in Dani's house

How about you guys? What doll projects do you have lined up?

Have a great weekend!



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