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Zee Plane Boss, Zee Plane!

Okay could not resist that dorky joke title. At long last my airplane arrived!!! It took like 10 days but it's finally here and I can get started on my Doll Vehicle Customization assignment.

Some sort of monster hybrid of two boxes arrived and I heard a terrible rattle as I snatched it from the mail carrier's clutches.

I began to open it and was not pleased at my findings. What you are seeing below are tiny accessories (including tiny ice cubes) that would have fallen out of the box if not for the box tape. I wonder what did manage to fall out...

All the accessories were just dumped into the box! Horrors! Would it kill you to use a Ziploc?

Hmm, but what is this? My first Silkie!!

Have I mentioned I hate Silkies?  Still I always wanted to handle one, to feel the silky skin and as usual, get her naked and see what's she's got going on.

She must have been a cheapie. No one would treat a fancy Silkstone Barbie so disrespectfully. Even me. What is with their mutant protruding plastic line of "eyelashes"?  Anyway, I have new doll trading buddy so this gal will be shipped off before she has a chance to poison my flock with her outdated ideas. (Really some Silkies are very pretty so don't get too offended)

Anyway, totally excited that she came with a wedding dress!!! Okay so it won't fit Dynamite Girl Dani, but it's good that she has options. Oh did I tell you my mother said she'd make Dani's wedding dress? That's TWO things my mother has/will do on my assignment list. More on that later.

I am still really happy with the airplane. Came with load of original accessories and some cool freebies like wheeled luggage, a luggage cart and our little redhead friend above.  Here are some shots:

 Imagine this all white with silver doors.
 This is my pilot, checking out her new digs.
 She photographs much better than she looks.

I'm excited to get to work! So the plan is to cover make this as white as possible, inside and out with silver accents and some tangerine colors in there. 

Did I tell you the name of the airline? It's Pan Em Airlines. If you read the Hunger Games, I hope you got a chuckle, if you didn't, get on it buddy! I KNOW they'll come out with dolls for the characters. They just have to. So be prepared. You will read all three in a weekend. Do it.


  1. LOVE the plane! I like the pilot's look, I wish I could get one more MZ but will have to see what the budget looks like. :)

    I'm hoping the come out with a doll based on Lenny Kravitz character from the movie...he's HAUTE!

  2. That's the plane I have lurking in my closet..LOL. I hate when people don't put accessories in a baggie. I'm with you on what may have fell out before it arrived? ARGH

    Can't wait to see what you do with it maybe I'll get an idea :O)

  3. By the way that's not a Silkie she's a repro doll called Wedding Day. It also came in blonde and brunette if I'm not mistaken

  4. Thank you, Dollz4Moi! I was looking all over for a bride silkie online and couldn't find one! The dress isn't too bad once you get past the glitter.

    Oh Tracy, I actually found the one of the other MZs on the Integrity site for $35! I was about to shell out some dough for her on ebay:

    So excited that Lenny has been cast as Cinna!


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